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A family business inspired by nature and sustainable lifestyle.






Toodame Eestis

Disainime ja toodame oma tooted Eestis ja oleme eriti õnnelikud, et saame oma tootmisesse kaasata kodumaiseid väiketegijad ja toetada seeläbi kohalikku ettevõtlust. Oma riiete tehnilise tippkvaliteedi suudame tagada tänu meie pühendunud õmblejatele, kes omavad pikka kogemust riiete õmblemisel.

Hoolime loodusest

Inspired by nature and sustainable lifestyle, the fabric used in creating our clothes is environmentally friendly produced. We strive to have the least possible adverse impact on the environment through our clothing creation process and to create body-friendly clothes following the principles of slow fashion.

Loome rõivaid, mis kestavad

Haruu riided on disainitud nõnda, et nende kandmisest jagub rõõmu pikaks ajaks. Minimalistlik tegumood ja neutraalne värvipalett koos läbimõeldud detailidega sobivad hästi nii argipäeva toimetuste kui ka pidulikemateks sündmusteks. Kõik meie kangad on võimalikult naturaalsed ja kvaliteetsed.

Our Story

Our small family business Haruu was born out of love for pristine nature and a sustainable lifestyle.

The name Haruu comes from the wolf, the leader of the pack, reminding us of the importance of listening to our inner voice. Like the wolf in nature, we too believe in the power of inner wisdom. We create meaningful, nature-inspired products that are of high quality and timeless. Each Haruu item is created with love and care to bring lasting joy and a touch of magic to the wearer's days.

A small and cozy studio store
for our community to touch and
try on products with their own hands.

Uus-Volta 9/1, loft no. 33
K 11-18
N-R 11-16.30
L 11-14